Arise x Anthem

 Summer Sundays

We are so excited to be gathering with Anthem Ventura for our Summer Sundays. Read on for more information about what to expect at in person gatherings with Arise.


9:00 AM – All Church Prayer
10:00 AM – Worship + Teaching


 What to expect

Read on for more information about what to expect at in person gatherings with Anthem. 


  • When to stay home → ​Stay home when you are sick, have a compromised immune system, or have been in close contact with someone who is sick. Please use wisdom and discretion, and self-screen before gathering in-person.

  • Arrival → Please arrive a few minutes before the Gathering to get settled, so we can honor those gathering with us from home by starting the livestream on time. 

  • Kids → While kids are welcome to join us, there are no kids-specific programs, we will be doing "family-style" and kids will be asked to stay with their families for the duration.

  • Masks to mingle​ → Please wear a mask as you come and go and when physical distancing is not possible. You can go maskless once you’re in your spot. Just remember to mask up when interacting with others. Our desire is both to protect the vulnerable as we come back together and to be respectful of local ordinances. We’ll have some extras if you need one!

  • Practice physical (not social) distancing → Waving, saying hello, and air hugs are just a few ways to greet each other while practicing distancing.

  • BYO → Bring your own coffee, bible, donuts, etc.

  • Seating → We will not be setting out chairs in rows – both for physical distancing concerns, and to better help families succeed. You are invited to BYO blankets, beach towels, chairs, or whatever works for you. We will have chairs available in stacks that you can grab and set out for yourself. 


We will livestream our combined gatherings to YouTube here. You can also view it on our church website:

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out via our connect form or send an email to


 Serve With arise

As we are prepping to host larger gathering again, please let us know how you'd like to help out and contribute to the gatherings. We are a family, and like a family, we all pitch in.