What Is A Giving Pledge?
An annual church budget starts with a question: what can we accomplish as a community? Pledged Giving is a tool that we hope will help Arise find the answer in 2023 and beyond.
A giving pledge is utilized by churches and charitable organizations for planned, annual, operational giving. Every cheerful and prayerful pledge enables Arise to budget and plan for ministry in the upcoming year.
2023 Pledged Giving is an exciting next step for us as a local body. We are excited to continue maturing as a local church and to continue welcoming more people into partnering with us in our mission through pledged giving.
Why Should You Give A Pledge?
Making a Giving Pledge is Biblical — Pledged giving dates back to the original followers of the Way of Jesus. It’s hard to see this through the layers of history, culture and tradition, however, the early church in Corinth and Macedonia made giving pledges. 2 Corinthians 9:11-15 has always sat on our giving page, but the “backstory” of 2 Corinthians 8 and 9 is that Paul is encouraging the Corinthians to fulfill their pledge. They had made it in good faith and Paul was sending Titus to encourage them to fulfill it. In 9:7 we learn that this was as much an individual commitment as it was corporate since Paul wrote saying: “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” From this we can learn that pledged giving is:
Personal – each one.. in his own heart
Predetermined – as he has decided
With pleasure – not reluctantly or under compulsion
Making a Giving Pledge Fosters Ownership — Jesus said that wherever we put our treasure, we can find our hearts. And by extension, we might say that wherever we decide to put our treasure, our hearts will follow. A pledge campaign is an invitation to consider drawing nearer—from attender to partner.
Making a Giving Pledge Empowers Leadership — As church leaders wisely steward the financial matters of a local body, what basis do they have for long-term commitments? Can we afford to keep staff, or bring on additional staff for a critical area of ministry? How much can be budgeted for benevolence, missions, gatherings, etc.? Without a clear picture of the funds that are committed, how can the church know what is possible and/or responsible? A pledge system empowers the leadership by letting them know (within reason) what kind of financial base they can count on going forward.
How Can You Give A Pledge?
You can use the form below to electronically submit your pledge for 2023. As a contributor you will be able to track your personal pledge progress as well as our collective goal for the year in Church Center.
The table below is meant to help you determine your monthly pledge; based on a personal, predetermined, percentage that you’re pleased to give.
Find the row closest to your annual income.
Go across that row to your desired pledge percentage.
The amount in the box is your monthly contribution to the mission of Arise.
Complete your pledge below.
After submitting your pledge, you can set up automated donations in Church Center https://ariseventura.churchcenter.com/giving
Checks can be made to Arise Church Ventura
Mailing Address: 1746 S Victoria Ave #442 Ventura Ca 93003
Help us plan by planning your giving.
Our goal for 2023 is $150,000 or
36 pledges of $350 per mo.