The elder team met this afternoon to develop a plan and discuss action steps for moving forward. As news continues to develop, and the Coronavirus and COVID-19 disease continue to spread, we are prepared to make every adjustment necessary.
Most recently the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advised against gatherings of 50 people or more for the next eight weeks. At the time of this writing there have also been government recommendations that lower the numbers for social gatherings to less than 10 people.
While we’d prefer not to continue canceling anything, we are taking into consideration the health and safety of our local church family and broader community. As such we will continue to lead Arise in adhering to all city, state, and federal precautions.
For this reason we are working on an engagement plan to implement by the end of week. Our aim continues to be keeping you well informed, while keeping you well. For us keeping you well spiritually is just as important as protecting you from disease.
We will continue to care for each individual and family in our church, and look for ways to equip you to care for your homes and neighbors spiritually, emotionally, and physically. As things are shifting daily we are committed to providing weekly engagement meant to focus our hearts away from crisis and onto Christ.
Weekly Christ Worship - Sunday’s
On Sunday March 22 we will host another Zoom Video Conference (click the link for info on how to connect)
We are planning on pre-recording a worship guide for March 29 forward
Details and schedule for broadcasting this will be available next week
Weekly Connections - Gospel Communities
Gospel Communities are case by case this week. Communicate with your leader
Gospel Community virtual meetings(Zoom) will begin connecting March 25
Weekly Communication
We will continue using phone calls, Facebook, Email, and text to inform everyone in our church of updates and concerns
Weekly Care - we will visit, transport, and deliver to/for anyone who needs it